

The 2024 Annual Meeting and Fall Council Meeting will take place in Savannah, Georgia, November 20 & 21, 2024. 

The meetings will take place at Hotel Indigo Savannah Historic District

The meeting hotel is the Hotel Indigo. A block of rooms has been reserved for meeting participants. You can make you hotel reservations at this link: UNOLS Annual & Council Meeting. The cut-off date to make reservations is October 20, 2024. 

More information will be added as it becomes available. If  you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to Bridget at

Skidaway, Savannah, GA

Please mark your calendars, we will hold the 2025 Ship Scheduling Kick Off Meeting 20-21 March 2024 in Houma, LA at LUMCON's Blue Works Building the new homeport facility for R/V Gilbert R. Mason (thanks Joe!).

A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Comfort Inn & Suites Houma, that is within the per diem rate ($107.00). Please use this link to make reservations:

The cut-off date is February 27, 2024, so please do not hesitate to make your reservations. 

Morning coffee and lunch will be provided on the first day. Morning coffee will be provided on the second day. We are planning a “no host” dinner for the first evening. We will post more information about the dinner as it becomes available. 

We will post the agenda shortly.  We intend to provide the ability to participate remotely as well. 

We also are working on being able to provide the opportunity for a tour of the RCRV production line including R/V Taani thanks to the Oregon State RCRV Project Field Office.  That tour will probably happen later in the afternoon of our first day of the meeting after the shipyard's 1st shift is done working for the day.



LUMCON Blue Works Building, Houma, LA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2024 Ship Scheduling Meeting Agenda 180.308 KB

The UNOLS 2024 Safety Committee Meeting will be held in Halifax, NS, Canada on 30 April 2024. The meeting will take place at the COVE. 

The conference hotel is the Westin Nova Scotian. A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at a special group rate. The last day to book you hotel room was Friday, March 29, 2024.

Meeting details are still to be determined & finalized but this is our general plan for 30 April:

  • Travel from Halifax waterfront / hotel to Dartmouth via walk, ferry, cab, etc.

  • 0830-1400 - Safety Committee Meeting - incl. catered lunch & snacks - at COVE, 27 Parker St, Dartmouth

  • 1400-1600 - COVE Interactive Tour

  • 1600-1800 - Icebreaker Reception - open invitation - industry, government, academia, etc.

  • Travel back to Halifax waterfront / hotel via walk, ferry, cab, etc. 

Please contact Bridget at with any questions or concerns. 

Halifax, NS, Canada
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2024 RVOC Safety Committee Agenda 179.731 KB

The 2024 Spring Council meeting will be 16-17 April, at the Ted Scripps Room at the Scripps Seaside Forum in La Jolla, CA. The meeting will be a full day on 16 April and a 1/2 day on 17 April. 

The conference hotel is the Estancia La Jolla Hotel and Spa. A block of rooms has been reserved at the current per diem rate ($194.00 a night).  They have also waived the $30.00 a night destination fee, so make sure your receipt reflects this. The cut-off to make reservations was Friday, March 15. 

Morning coffee and lunch will be provided on the first day. Morning coffee will be provided on the second day.

More information will be published here as it becomes available. 

Committee Reference
UNOLS Council
Attachment Size
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix I - Participant List 37.778 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix II - Code of Conduct 62.109 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix III - NSF Update 483.739 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix IV - NOAA Update 3084.196 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix V - Legislation to better define the ARF 60.959 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix VI - Safer Seas Act - Update and Discussion 62.666 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix VII - UNOLS & the Decadal Survey 1418.759 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix VIII - Advocacy for Ocean Science 93.75 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix IX - Cyber Infrastructure Update 6548.975 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix X - TAMU VR Game of Roger Revelle 3425.174 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendis XI - Committee Updates 4459.512 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XII - Cyber Security Updates 2132.638 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XIII - NSF FUTURE workshop Update/Discussion 2528.317 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XIV - Other Council Business 574.829 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XV - Fleet Operations in 2024 and Projected 2025 345.139 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XVI - RCRV Update 14520.051 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XVII - ARV Update 3608.142 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XVIII - CCRV Update 3494.805 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XIX - UNOLS Crewing Initiatives 69.313 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XX - 2024 DeSSC Early Career Workshop - OSM 3078.09 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XXI - 2023 MSROC Early Career Workshop - AGU 733.005 KB
2024 Spring Council Meeting Appendix XXII - 2024 Arctic Chief Scientist Training Cruise - HEALY 1547.199 KB
La Jolla, CA
Meeting Agenda
Attachment Size
2024 Spring Council Meeting Agenda 221.46 KB