A Historic Gam at Sea

Mar 18, 2016
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On Monday March 14th, 2016 the venerable R/V Knorr (now named Ex-Knorr) was officially transferred to the Mexican navy. On her way south, the Ex-Knorr and UNOLS newest ship, R/V Neil Armstrong, shared a gam at sea. (n. A social visit or friendly interchange, especially between whalers or seafarers.)

When she encountered WHOI's newest vessel, the R/V Neil Armstrong off the coast of Cape Hatteras, NC the crew of the two ships briefly met to exchange greetings and gifts. By all accounts it was a very moving encounter. Thank you to Al Suchy (WHOI) for providing these photos and sharing this significant moment in history with us.

Teca crew greeting Armstrong off Cape Hateras 03 17 16.JPG
Captain Emrich on Ex-Knorr w Armstrong off Cape Hatteras 03 17 16.JPG

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*top photo by Eric Benway, WHOI