Dear Colleagues:
The Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) recently requested nominations, including self-nominations, for inaugural Members to serve on the newly established "Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board" (OOIFB). The OOIFB will provide input and guidance regarding the management and operation of the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI). OCE's request for potential Members was made via a "Dear Colleague Letter" (NSF 17-034) and included the Terms of Reference of the OOIFB. Briefly, the Terms of Reference call for 7 non-conflicted scientists as well as 2 members from the operator(s), for a total of 9 persons.
We thank the many members of the community who expressed interest in serving or who nominated persons for consideration. After deliberation and paying very close attention to the entire array of candidates with an eye towards ensuring a balanced membership on the OOIFB itself, and considering the potential for memberships on inaugural subpanels in the near future, OCE is pleased to announce the following membership. The first meeting of the OOIFB is likely to be in late spring, and further announcements will be forthcoming.
In the below alphabetical-order list, Larry Atkinson has graciously agreed to serve as Chair. The two members from the operators are Deborah Kelley and Sheri White.
Larry Atkinson (Chair), Old Dominion University
Tim Crone, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Kendra Daly, University of South Florida
Sarah Gille, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Brian Glazer, University of Hawaii
Ruoying He, North Carolina State University
Deborah Kelley, University of Washington
James O'Donnell, University of Connecticut
Sheri White, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
We look forward to working with the OOIFB and the oceanographic community as OOI continues to move forward.
Rick Murray
Director, Division of Ocean Sciences