Call for Nominations
Maintaining an Environment of Respect Aboard Ships Committee (MERAS)
Cut-off date: 4 October 2023
The UNOLS Maintaining an Environment of Respect Aboard Ships (MERAS) committee is seeking nominations of motivated individuals to fill a membership vacancy.
The MERAS committee is the UNOLS Committee to facilitate an environment of respect onboard vessels of the U.S. Academic Research Fleet (ARF) and to cultivate and preserve a culture of inclusion, regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, nationality, or socio-economic background. The committee provides recommendations to the UNOLS community regarding resources and practices to identify and overcome related workplace barriers in the ARF and assists the UNOLS Council, funding agencies, and ARF operators in formulation of new policies as needed. Examples of scope, drawn from prior activities, include, but are not limited to, making pregnancy and nursing policies of ship operating institutions readily available to users of the ARF, development of the 3 module Shipboard Civility program, and recommending new cruise planning document policies concerning gender expression, support, and safety. Future goals include creating a library of resources for scientists and vessel operators, reviewing codes of conduct and cruise planning processes to remove barriers and promote inclusivity, consulting with committees, operators, and scientists as requested, and providing an annual listening session for the community to give feedback about their concerns and to share what is being done to try to address past workplace climate issues.
Terms of office are three years, with the possibility of re-appointment for a second term. MERAS has online meetings quarterly (every 3 months in January, April, July, and October) with the potential for additional workshop sessions dedicated to specific topics or efforts and the annual listening session event for the UNOLS community mentioned above. Nominees should submit a brief statement of interest in serving on MERAS along with a 2-page CV to the UNOLS office by email by 4 October 2023. The statement of interest should highlight the nominee's experience onboard ships and expedition planning as well as how the nominee's efforts, or service have supported the introduction of ocean sciences to underrepresented communities and/or have fostered an environment which enables all individuals to excel. Applicants who have not yet had the opportunity for such experience should note how their contributions will further the UNOLS' commitment to diversity.
For additional information about MERAS, visit the MERAS Committee website. For information about committee responsibilities
Committee members are appointed by the UNOLS Chair based on the recommendation of MERAS and with the concurrence of the UNOLS Council.
Emily Shimada emily.shimada@oregonstate.edu
Brandi Murphy brandi@unols.org
UNOLS Office office@unols.org