UNOLS Council Positions
[Nomination Deadline: September 15, 2023]
The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) is an organization of academic oceanographic institutions working in cooperation with agencies of the U.S. Federal Government to ensure broad access to modern, well-operated, state-of-the-art research vessels, submersibles, and other facilities required to support a healthy and vigorous research and education program in the ocean sciences. It is an organization committed to cultivating and preserving a culture of inclusion and connectedness, regardless of age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, nationality, or socio-economic background.
Currently, UNOLS is actively engaged in academic research fleet modernization efforts, COVID 19 impacts, efficient vessel scheduling, outreach initiatives for early career scientists and underrepresented communities, and efforts to promote a positive work environment at sea. For more information about UNOLS and its activities, visit the website, http://www.unols.org.
The UNOLS Council represents and acts on behalf of the UNOLS membership as the operating and governing body of UNOLS. Council Nominations
One Operator - affiliation with a UNOLS Operating Institution
One At-Large Position – affiliation with any UNOLS Institution (Operator OR Non-Operator)
The terms for Council members are three (3) years with the possibility of re-election for a second term. The Council typically meets twice a year (spring and fall) in person with a 3rd virtual meeting over the summer. The fall meeting is typically held in the Alexandria, VA area (during the same week as the UNOLS Annual Meeting). The spring Council meeting location will vary from year to year.
Nominations for the slate may be submitted by anyone affiliated with a UNOLS institution to <alice@unols.org>. Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations should include a 2-page CV, as well as a statement of interest. The nominee’s statement of interest should include how their efforts, service and/or scholarship have supported the introduction of ocean sciences to communities underrepresented in ocean sciences community and fostered an environment of respect that enables all individuals to excel; applicants who have not yet had the opportunity for such experience should note how their work will further the UNOLS’ commitment to diversity.
Nominations are due by September 15, 2023. A Nominating Committee that includes Bruce Appelgate/SIO, Amy Wagner/MLML and Anita Lopez/UH has been formed to prepare a slate of candidates. The Nominating Committee must give due consideration to the qualifications of the individuals nominated, as well as to maintenance of regional and disciplinary balance on the Council. The committee will then recommend a slate of candidates that will be voted upon by the UNOLS membership before the 2023 UNOLS Annual Meeting.