15 November 2023
Arizona State University
Walton Center for Planetary Health
The UNOLS Annual Meeting agenda is available on the 2023 UNOLS Annual Meeting webpage.
The Annual Meeting featured presentation will be provided by:

Dr. Ken Johnson
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
(Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Array)
Kenneth S. Johnson is a Senior Scientist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. He received his B.S. degrees in Chemistry and Oceanography from the University of Washington and his Ph.D. in Oceanography from Oregon State University. Prior to joining MBARI, he was Professor of Oceanography at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. At MBARI, he directs the Chemical Sensor Laboratory, which is focused on the development of chemical sensors that can be deployed in large scale, wireless networks and the application of these tools to studies of chemical cycling and ecosystem health throughout the ocean. A major effort is building a network of 700 biogeochemical profiling floats that carry ISUS/SUNA nitrate sensors and DuraFET pH sensors developed in the Chemical Sensor Lab. This network will span the global ocean. It is carried out through the SOCCOM project (Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling; https://soccom.princeton.edu) and the GO-BGC (Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Array; https://go-bgc.org) projects, which he directs. Ken also serves as Co-Chair of the Biogeochemical-Argo program (http://biogeochemical-argo.org), a consortium of 18 national BGC-Argo programs.
Ken Johnson is author of 200 papers in scientific journals. He served two terms as Chair of the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS), which coordinates activities of the US academic research fleet. Johnson was selected Sverdrup Lecturer for the American Geophysical Union and was elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union in 2011.
The featured presentation is scheduled to begin at 4:00 pm on November 15th.
The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) provides a primary forum through which the ocean science research and education community, research facility operators, and the supporting Federal agencies can work cooperatively to improve access, scheduling, operation, and capabilities of current and future academic oceanographic facilities.
UNOLS is an organization of 58 U. S. institutions that have academic research and education programs in the ocean sciences and an interest in promoting the best possible national shared-use facilities to support these programs. Fifteen of the UNOLS institutions are operators of these major shared-use facilities, including research vessels, deep submergence vehicles, and aircraft. Facilities are either owned by one of the Federal agencies or by the individual institutions. UNOLS serves in an advisory role to the facility operators and the supporting Federal agencies and as a coordinator or facilitator of community-wide efforts directed toward scheduling, access, quality improvement and planning for future facilities.
This meeting is open to all investigators, users, operators, and sponsors of university oceanographic facilities. It is a public forum for discussing the utilization, scheduling, current support, and future planning of research vessels and other oceanographic facilities.