- Thursday, November 17th: 1:00 - 5:00 pm &
- Friday, November 18th: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Tulane River and Coastal Center 1370 Port of New Orleans Pl, New Orleans, LA 70130
The UNOLS Annual Meeting agenda is available on the 2022 UNOLS Annual Meeting webpage.
The Annual Meeting featured presentation will be provided by:

Dr. Mak Saito
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Progress Towards an International BioGeoSCAPES Program and Development of the Biogeochemical AUV Clio
Dr. Mak Saito is a Senior Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department. Saito's research involves measurements of microbial proteins (proteomics) and trace metal biogeochemistry. He is one of the PIs of the Accel-Net project to develop the BioGeoSCAPES international microbial biogeochemistry program (Ocean Metabolism and Nutrient Cycles on a Changing Planet; www.biogeoscapes.org), and is also a Science PI for the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office.
The featured presentation is scheduled to begin at 4:00 pm on November 17th.
The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) provides a primary forum through which the ocean science research and education community, research facility operators, and the supporting Federal agencies can work cooperatively to improve access, scheduling, operation, and capabilities of current and future academic oceanographic facilities.
UNOLS is an organization of 58 U. S. institutions that have academic research and education programs in the ocean sciences and an interest in promoting the best possible national shared-use facilities to support these programs. Fifteen of the UNOLS institutions are operators of these major shared-use facilities, including research vessels, deep submergence vehicles, and aircraft. Facilities are either owned by one of the Federal agencies or by the individual institutions. UNOLS serves in an advisory role to the facility operators and the supporting Federal agencies and as a coordinator or facilitator of community-wide efforts directed toward scheduling, access, quality improvement and planning for future facilities.
This meeting is open to all investigators, users, operators, and sponsors of university oceanographic facilities. It is a public forum for discussing the utilization, scheduling, current support, and future planning of research vessels and other oceanographic facilities.